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michaeldrogalis 2018-02-11T17:57:42.000101Z

Thanks @kenji_signifier! Ill review now, this is great

michaeldrogalis 2018-02-11T18:14:45.000062Z

Ah shoot, I had a bunch of review comments and accidentally hit the merge button

michaeldrogalis 2018-02-11T18:14:56.000107Z

Going to revert, hopefully it recovers my review

michaeldrogalis 2018-02-11T18:18:59.000140Z

@kenji_signifier I did a revert through another PR -- my fault. The PR itself looks good, few comments and mostly questions though

michaeldrogalis 2018-02-11T18:19:14.000108Z

Thanks for all the work here, it's clearly a hefty effort.