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misha 2018-02-14T14:37:40.000518Z

not exactly onyx question, but "can I do paginated consumption from kafka topic with gregor?"

misha 2018-02-14T14:38:02.000666Z

say, 10 or less messages at a time

gklijs 2018-02-14T14:41:44.000724Z

you can set ConsumerConfig/MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG to allow a maximum per poll, but you will get back less, if there are less ready

misha 2018-02-14T14:42:39.000302Z

sweet! thanks @gklijs

misha 2018-02-14T14:44:48.000131Z

for gregor config will look like {"max.poll.records" "10"}

gklijs 2018-02-14T14:44:54.000209Z

It’s nice to have, and something which was missing before. I don’t know if a heartbeat is now send when not polling, bu we had problems before when consumers where taking to long, and thought dead, because they took to long after a pol

gklijs 2018-02-14T14:45:37.000697Z

Could be, I only used java interop so far when working with clojure and kafka

misha 2018-02-14T14:46:05.000315Z

yeah, writing UI for onyx ETL job reports, and if you are lucky to consume closed topic for huge input file – chrome hangs for minutes :opieop:

misha 2018-02-14T14:47:07.000178Z

"max.poll.records" is kafka's setting name. gregor seems to just send it as string w/o any changes. will try it in a few minutes

gklijs 2018-02-14T14:53:33.000809Z

That’s one of the reason I like the java interop, by using static strings there is less risk of making types + when they might rename/delete it in a newer version your covered.

misha 2018-02-14T14:54:00.000450Z

#clojure-spec :)