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kenji_signifier 2018-02-15T13:55:18.000248Z

@michaeldrogalis I re-submitted the PR for datomic-cloud. Plz review #31.

kenji_signifier 2018-02-15T13:55:19.000591Z


michaeldrogalis 2018-02-15T15:58:14.000046Z

Thanks @kenji_signifier, Ill check it out now

michaeldrogalis 2018-02-15T17:07:27.000482Z

@kenji_signifier Merged, thanks! Waiting for CI to cut a release now. Great patch.

michaeldrogalis 2018-02-15T18:15:19.000261Z

@kenji_signifier I got the tests fixed on master as well

michaeldrogalis 2018-02-15T18:15:38.000049Z

An artifact is available under

kenji_signifier 2018-02-15T20:45:24.000185Z

@michaeldrogalis thanks!

michaeldrogalis 2018-02-15T20:45:58.000405Z

Not a problem.

kenji_signifier 2018-02-15T20:46:42.000550Z

as I noted in the PR, I’m going to explore if I can set up a CI in my dev datomic cloud VPC. How do you get build notification from CircleCI? I’m wondering if you have an email address or slack channel that I can share the build result.

kenji_signifier 2018-02-15T20:48:55.000618Z

I don’t think it’s doable to run tests against datomic cloud on CircleCI as I need to launch ssh socks proxy, which requires AWS credentials, so I’m thinking to setup jenkins or some on-prem CI inside of the VPC.

kenji_signifier 2018-02-15T20:50:59.000543Z

the alternative to jenkins could be https://github.com/flosell/lambdacd

michaeldrogalis 2018-02-15T20:57:50.000623Z

I think if you click "follow" on the onyx-datomic CircleCI page, you'll get emails for build results

kenji_signifier 2018-02-15T21:32:56.000518Z

@michaeldrogalis what I was thinking was to share the build results from a CI, something other than CircleCI, to your group.

michaeldrogalis 2018-02-15T21:41:26.000122Z

@kenji_signifier So maybe something like a second build status badge on the README page?

kenji_signifier 2018-02-15T21:41:49.000060Z

good idea

michaeldrogalis 2018-02-15T21:42:12.000212Z

I'd be game for that.