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sparkofreason 2018-03-19T01:39:14.000112Z

What's the best way to get the bounds of a window? :lower-bound in the state-event map?

lucasbradstreet 2018-03-19T01:40:03.000179Z

Do you mean from the lower bound extent in the state event to the corresponding time?

lucasbradstreet 2018-03-19T01:43:33.000121Z

Oh, you mean you want to find out what the lowest bound of any of the windows are? lower-bound is just the lower bound for the current window being triggered.

sreekanth 2018-03-19T01:44:14.000153Z

Hi, Can i group tasks across multiple jobs?

sparkofreason 2018-03-19T01:44:59.000048Z

But it's the bound of the window, not the current minimum segment.

lucasbradstreet 2018-03-19T01:45:50.000058Z

@sreekanth no, that’s not possible.

sparkofreason 2018-03-19T01:46:21.000129Z

In other words, it's not going to change.

lucasbradstreet 2018-03-19T01:46:56.000075Z

@dave.dixon right yeah. Hmm, would it be possible to create a second global window, and just track the minimum there?

sparkofreason 2018-03-19T01:51:00.000130Z

When an updated segment is emitted for a window I want to be sure clients can identify that window and update appropriately. Sounds like that's how it behaves.

lucasbradstreet 2018-03-19T02:30:02.000218Z

Based on my understanding of what you’re saying, that’s right.

sparkofreason 2018-03-19T23:25:59.000283Z

When are windows merged, requiring the super-aggregation function?

lucasbradstreet 2018-03-19T23:27:18.000140Z

The usual cause is when two session windows are merged into a single window because a new event causes the timeout gap to be too small to be two separate windows

👍 1