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dbernal 2018-04-02T17:02:59.000559Z

I'm trying to have my job run while pointing to a production zookeeper but I keep getting this exception org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /onyx/testcluster/log-parameters/log-parameters. I'm guessing that particular path does not exist yet so it throws the error. Do peers create the necessary paths themselves or do I need to manually create the node in Zookeeper?

dbernal 2018-04-02T17:17:22.000671Z

It appears that the path does exist so I'm not quite sure why it's throwing that error. I'm seeing a path for /onyx/testcluster/log-parameters but not one for /onyx/testcluster/log-parameters/log-parameters. I noticed on the user guide that the KeeperErrorCode = NodeExists could be ignored so maybe that's what I'm seeing now? I'm just slightly confused at this point as it looks like the job is not able to start

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-02T18:21:12.000276Z

It’s probably unrelated. Zookeeper can be pretty chatty when a node doesn’t exist - it’s likely the code is just checking the znode path, and if it isn’t there it creates it.

dbernal 2018-04-02T19:42:50.000179Z

@lucasbradstreet Would there be a reason that the job is not writing log-parameters? As of now it looks to be stuck trying to read the log parameters. Just trying to figure out if there's something I've misconfigured

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-02T19:49:48.000353Z

Did you start a peer group and some peers?

dbernal 2018-04-02T20:06:38.000423Z

@lucasbradstreet ok I think that's what I was missing. Is there an example project out there that I could reference? Or would I reference the api.clj namespace?

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-02T20:09:32.000559Z

@dbernal there are a lot of examples in here https://github.com/onyx-platform/onyx-examples

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-02T20:09:54.000300Z

They’re not really meant for dev use, as they aren’t repl reloaded friendly, but they’ll show you what order things need to be started up in

👍 1
dbernal 2018-04-02T20:10:39.000567Z

excellent. Thank you!