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@lucasbradstreet How could i go about verifying the behavior of the window-state? I have a fairly small program and i’m not sure how to debug it. I’m expecting the :trigger/sync function to fire and it doesn’t. Hopefully i’m not missing something small here. Code for reference: https://github.com/drewverlee/ad/blob/master/src/ad/core.clj

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T00:39:23.000007Z

I would try copying the watermark trigger code into your own code base and add some printlns. I’m out and on my phone at the moment, but I see two risky things they. One is that I’m not sure the watermark scheme supports local rt because that functionality required a lot of tracking watermarks across channels. The second problem is that I can’t remember if watermarks are a window state trigger now. It probably is, but I would want to check.


@lucasbradstreet thanks for the input. I’ll see what i can do.

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T00:39:54.000013Z

I have a pretty strong feeling we’re not tracking the min watermark across DAG edges in local rt

jqmtor 2018-04-28T13:39:51.000108Z

I noticed that the developer's guide is outdated in regards to the branching policy (https://github.com/onyx-platform/onyx/blob/0.12.x/doc/developers-guide/branch-policy.md). The preferred way of submitting a PR nowadays is to target master, right?

jqmtor 2018-04-28T14:43:19.000052Z

I created a couple of tiny PRs with stuff that I found along the way while upgrading the plugin template

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T17:22:30.000118Z

@quimrstorres ah yes, we dropped develop and purely work from master now. It wasn’t worth the overhead.

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T17:24:02.000055Z

Updated it. Thanks!

👍 1
joelsanchez 2018-04-28T21:54:41.000024Z

hi, it seems that no one is using onyx-http? I can't get it working and I don't find examples in github

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T22:30:43.000018Z

It should work. If you git clone the repo and run lein test do they pass?

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T22:30:54.000008Z

If so, check the onyx.log to see if there’s an error

joelsanchez 2018-04-28T22:50:32.000051Z

the tests pass but in onyx-starter the messages just seem to go through untouched

joelsanchez 2018-04-28T22:50:40.000030Z

only getting Aeron status channel error in the log

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T22:51:29.000031Z

You’ve modified onyx-starter to use onyx-http?

joelsanchez 2018-04-28T22:51:32.000075Z


joelsanchez 2018-04-28T22:52:49.000058Z


lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T22:53:10.000050Z

Does that job even submit OK? We don’t currently support output tasks that have other tasks downstream

joelsanchez 2018-04-28T22:53:34.000043Z

yikes, that must be it

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T22:53:56.000021Z

https://github.com/onyx-platform/onyx-starter/blob/master/src/onyx_starter/launcher/submit_sample_job.clj#L25 try capturing the submit-job return here

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T22:54:08.000084Z

the success? key will probably be false

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T22:54:24.000070Z

Also, note we have a template you can use to start a new project https://github.com/onyx-platform/onyx-template

joelsanchez 2018-04-28T22:56:03.000089Z

thanks, I'll use the template when I get the basics working

joelsanchez 2018-04-28T22:57:17.000070Z

result {:success? true, :job-id #uuid "085f412c-30d9-7cc1-939e-095f9213961b"}

joelsanchez 2018-04-28T22:57:40.000057Z

who knows...anyway I prefer using clj-http directly, also it seems that onyx-http is not designed for my usecase

joelsanchez 2018-04-28T22:57:58.000058Z

I was having much success with clj-http

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T23:01:09.000065Z

Ok sure. If you’re going to use clj-http you may want to try onyx/batch-fn to fire off a a batch of async requests at a time.

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T23:01:28.000013Z

Otherwise you’ll find throughput challenging

👍 1
joelsanchez 2018-04-28T23:02:19.000013Z

thanks for all the help, really helped me as an Onyx beginner 🙂

lucasbradstreet 2018-04-28T23:10:43.000018Z

No worries!