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sparkofreason 2018-07-02T04:23:38.000090Z

Do I have to do something to resume points if I change the number of peers assigned to a stateful task?

sparkofreason 2018-07-02T17:38:11.000160Z

After increasing the peers, I was getting a "key not found" exception from S3 during resume. I changed the resume mode to :initialize for the offending window and the exception went away, though obviously the window state wasn't recovered. In that original exception expected in this case?

lucasbradstreet 2018-07-02T18:20:31.000446Z

The bad news is that we don’t currently support rescaling peers with resume points. It’s near the top of my list to implement.

lucasbradstreet 2018-07-02T18:22:34.000116Z

I should have a little time over the next week so I might try implementing it, as it’s been on the backlog for too long.

lucasbradstreet 2018-07-02T18:29:03.000008Z

I’ve been holding off because I wanted a good solution where all peers wouldn’t have to read all of the state from all peers in order to repartition. I think if we make it part of building a resume point it will help people get unstuck, though it’s not my ideal solution for the long term.