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sparkofreason 2018-08-04T23:44:14.000032Z

For the metrics endpoint. onyx-peer-http-query currently sets the Content-Type header to be the name of the serializer, defaulting to application/edn. But as described in the link, I think it should be text/plain. I was trying to send the metrics to Datadog, and it expected text/plain. It's a one line change, and I can make a PR if you'd like. https://github.com/prometheus/docs/blob/master/content/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats.md

lucasbradstreet 2018-08-04T23:44:50.000023Z

PR would be good. Definitely shouldn’t be edn. I only tested against prometheus and it worked OK so I didn’t realise.

lucasbradstreet 2018-08-04T23:45:32.000016Z

I still owe you the :reduce description. I’m a bit sick atm but I will get to it.

sparkofreason 2018-08-04T23:46:12.000010Z

No hurry. I'm about to move, so going to be spotty for the next several days. Should I make the version

lucasbradstreet 2018-08-04T23:48:21.000047Z

Don’t touch the version, that’ll all be automated

lucasbradstreet 2018-08-04T23:48:47.000025Z

As long as it’s off master, and still has a snapshot version, it’ll be fine.