
FYI: alternative Onyx :onyx: chat is at <https://gitter.im/onyx-platform/onyx> ; log can be found at <https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org/onyx/index.html>
rustam.gilaztdinov 2018-09-19T08:26:04.000100Z

Hello! Started getting this exception:

org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /onyx/d1e7b515-100e-4da6-a57d-e4a6f67f6c49/log/entry-
    code: -101
    path: "/onyx/d1e7b515-100e-4da6-a57d-e4a6f67f6c49/log/entry-"
Nothing changed in code, how can I fix this?

jasonbell 2018-09-19T10:40:30.000100Z

Stop zookeeper, clear out the node tree and start again.

jasonbell 2018-09-19T10:40:41.000100Z

Try a restart first but I think the same issue will appear

rustam.gilaztdinov 2018-09-19T10:51:54.000100Z

> clear out the node tree how can I do this?

jasonbell 2018-09-19T14:00:32.000100Z

what type of zookeeper are you running?

jasonbell 2018-09-19T14:00:44.000100Z

is it standalone or the in memory one?

rustam.gilaztdinov 2018-09-19T14:21:55.000100Z

Memory one

jasonbell 2018-09-19T15:14:27.000100Z

Well the in memory should clean up after itself.

jasonbell 2018-09-19T15:14:57.000100Z

It's been a while since I've looked at the Onyx libs so I've not done anything with the more recent versions.

lucasbradstreet 2018-09-19T16:19:32.000100Z

That’s an odd issue, as the entry it’s reading should definitely have a number suffix. If you bump the onyx/tenancy-id, my hope would be that it’ll start working again, but you will need to use resume points to resume the state. Bumping the tenancy id should be equivalent to clearing out the node tree since it will write to a whole new tenancy.