
FYI: alternative Onyx :onyx: chat is at <https://gitter.im/onyx-platform/onyx> ; log can be found at <https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org/onyx/index.html>
Lutz 2018-11-14T07:36:16.018100Z

That was a problem initially, but I got past that. I use :onyx.peer/storage.s3.auth-type :config.

Lutz 2018-11-14T08:59:19.020200Z

I successfully can access my minio server with the python client (create, list and verify buckets), without specifying a region either in the server or client.

Lutz 2018-11-14T09:55:25.023300Z

About the region: This is pretty crazy. If I set it to something custom or "", I get

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No region provided
If I set it to "eu-central-1" or "us-east-1", onyx tries to talk to Amazon (even though I set :onyx.peer/storage.s3.endpoint "<http://localhost:9000>"). If I comment the option out (`;:onyx.peer/storage.s3.region`), onyx actually talks to localhost. But unlike the python minio client, it does not succeed.

lellis 2018-11-14T14:35:56.024Z

Hi, is there any way to avoid or increase the 1min timeout of running the computing tree?