
FYI: alternative Onyx :onyx: chat is at <https://gitter.im/onyx-platform/onyx> ; log can be found at <https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org/onyx/index.html>
lucasbradstreet 2018-11-24T05:38:20.056300Z

Honestly, I wasn’t sure how important onyx-dashboard is to people. It isn’t highly maintained. The main problem was that clj-webdriver no longer works for running the tests. If someone could fix the automated tests, I could move it back to being on life support & auto release it.

lucasbradstreet 2018-11-24T05:39:00.056900Z

Without automated tests it’s hard for us to keep the dashboard on life support since I don’t personally use it.

guillaume 2018-11-24T22:49:28.057300Z

Thanks @lucasbradstreet