
FYI: alternative Onyx :onyx: chat is at <https://gitter.im/onyx-platform/onyx> ; log can be found at <https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org/onyx/index.html>
Quest 2019-07-25T22:59:20.020Z

I went through all the learn-onyx challenges & have been trying to get the onyx-template working from https://github.com/onyx-platform/onyx-template Just using the local in-memory zookeeper, I figured out how to compile & run Onyx via:

java -cp target/peer.jar myapp.core start-peers 2 -c resources/config.edn
java -cp target/peer.jar myapp.core submit-job "basic-job" -c resources/config.edn

Quest 2019-07-25T23:00:22.021200Z

Unfortunately, when I try to actually submit the job it is accepted by the Onyx cluster but never executed. The Onyx log gives off "Job ID 6a1f7400-f5d3-3d49-ebde-487f6964ab8e has been submitted with tenancy ID 1, but received no virtual peers to start its execution."

Quest 2019-07-25T23:01:36.022300Z

I got the Onyx Dashboard working and I can see the accepted job in the cluster, but it's indefinitely stalled. The Clojurians Slack logs for the previous time this came up have sadly been lost --

Quest 2019-07-25T23:01:59.022900Z

https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org/onyx/2017-12-23 is a GOTO NPE 🙂

Travis 2019-07-25T23:03:10.023500Z

Do you have enough peers defined to run your job?

Travis 2019-07-25T23:03:46.025100Z

I'm rusty so I can't remember all the details but I believe there is essentially an npeers setting

Quest 2019-07-25T23:04:08.026Z

I'm still a bit green, but I believe so. The job is the default from the onyx-template, which has the following catalog (pulled from the dashboard):

[{:onyx/plugin :onyx.plugin.core-async/input,
  :onyx/medium :core.async,
  :onyx/batch-timeout 1000,
  :onyx/type :input,
  :onyx/name :in,
  :onyx/max-peers 1,
  :onyx/doc "Reads segments from a core.async channel",
  :onyx/batch-size 1}
  ... ;; rest of tasks also have :onyx/max-peers 1

Travis 2019-07-25T23:04:10.026200Z

Need enough vpeers for each step of your work flow

Quest 2019-07-25T23:05:05.027400Z

Hmm, I'll take a look at what options I can pass to the first peer.jar instantiation that starts the in-mem Zookeeper, thanks for the tip

Travis 2019-07-25T23:05:44.027700Z


Quest 2019-07-25T23:35:16.031200Z

I think that was basically it -- using too small N for number of peers. I started up with more & it took the job. From looking at the dashboard, I suspect it wants at least N >= 3. I think I had the misconception that a sequential 3-task workflow could be executed sequentially with just one peer, but that doesn't seem to be true

Travis 2019-07-25T23:36:19.032400Z

Correct, need one peer per task or more if it requires multiple

Travis 2019-07-25T23:36:58.033300Z

It using Kafka you need at least one peer per partition in the topic as well

Quest 2019-07-25T23:37:46.034300Z

Huh. Thanks for the explanation. Glad I have 32gb RAM with the amount of JVMs in play here 😅

Quest 2019-07-25T23:39:11.035600Z

I'll make a small PR to the README of the template, might help other newbies to document the findings & invocations here

Travis 2019-07-25T23:39:19.035900Z

Virtual peers i don't believe are extra jvms

Travis 2019-07-25T23:39:58.037100Z

You can n number of physical peers with lots of vpeers