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luiseugenio 2019-08-02T20:18:58.047900Z

Hi, all. We’re trying to setup a local cluster of two machines. Our scenario needs 30 vpeers to run the job. And we’re trying to setup each machine with 20 peers. Zookeeper is recognizing all peers running. But we’re getting this error after the job is submited on the second machine: “io.aeron.exceptions.RegistrationException: RuntimeException : Channel error: Can’t assign requested address (at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind0(Native Method)): aeron:udp?endpoint=|term-length=4194304 clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Handling uncaught exception thrown inside task lifecycle :lifecycle/poll-recover. Killing the job. -> Exception type: io.aeron.exceptions.RegistrationException. Exception message: RuntimeException : Channel error: Can’t assign requested address (at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind0(Native Method)): aeron:udp?endpoint=|term-length=4194304” Does anybody knows what we’re doing wrong here? Thanks