
here be heresies and things we have to use for work
martintrojer 2016-05-16T10:56:34.000739Z

also known as writing clojure

arrdem 2016-05-16T14:28:07.000740Z


jsa-aerial 2016-05-16T19:33:47.000741Z

Amazing - I never seem to have that issue

seancorfield 2016-05-16T19:50:11.000742Z

☝️:skin-tone-2: Yeah, same here. Some people seem to run into type errors and null pointers in Clojure a lot more than others. Not sure why that is @jsa-aerial

jsa-aerial 2016-05-16T19:56:37.000743Z

It is a puzzle. Nobody here seems to have this issue. I sometimes wonder if it is connected to people still using a top down 'type driven' approach as opposed to bottom up 'transformational' approach

seancorfield 2016-05-16T20:02:40.000744Z

We develop primarily in the REPL, copying that code to tests or source as needed, then augment with more tests and then flesh out functionality and refactor etc. So most edge cases and integration errors are caught in the REPL as we experiment, or early on in test writing when we deal with boundary cases.

jsa-aerial 2016-05-16T20:09:10.000745Z

Yup, sounds about right