
here be heresies and things we have to use for work
borkdude 2016-08-18T18:10:27.000093Z

What's the current state of .NET Core on OSX etc? Is it already an alternative for Mono and thus for running F# on non-Windows platforms? (cc @martintrojer )

borkdude 2016-08-18T18:12:24.000094Z

This seems pretty awesome btw: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/AnnouncingPowerShellOnLinuxPowerShellIsOpenSource.aspx

😸 1
borkdude 2016-08-18T18:12:39.000096Z

I played around with PowerShell before I moved to Mac, so I forgot about it

roberto 2016-08-18T18:45:28.000098Z

not sure, last time I tried F# on a mac (about 2 months ago), it was lacking

roberto 2016-08-18T18:45:48.000099Z

for example, the XML parser was not even present in that version of F#

roberto 2016-08-18T18:46:03.000100Z

there were too many discrepancies, that I just gave up

seancorfield 2016-08-18T19:02:20.000101Z

Last time I tried F# was via Xamarin on a Mac and it was horribly buggy… but that was much further back than a few months so I’d hope Xamarin has improved a lot since then! 😸