
here be heresies and things we have to use for work
borkdude 2017-11-03T17:06:09.000302Z

Is Specter Clojure or a “other language”? 😉 https://twitter.com/borkdude/status/926493766441226240

ghadi 2017-11-03T17:27:20.000287Z

i absolutely prefer plain Clojure

👍 1
borkdude 2017-11-03T17:32:21.000326Z

In this case it seems to be faster too, although I would expect Specter to have performance benefits

roberto 2017-11-03T17:32:22.000514Z

I tried Specter, and found it difficult to learn and use. It wasn’t as intuitive when I tried to use vs when I saw the demo presentation


Yeah, I have to agree with @ghadi, and Alex Miller's version on the gist is the cleanest of all the approaches. That's the problem with DSLs: if you don't know the DSL, the code is really hard to read.


And as someone who routinely is asked to take a look at 5000loc clojure files and "figure out how it could be improved", I really hope this style of coding doesn't become more common.


That being said, I wish there was a way via something like tools.analyzer to mash a bunch of get-ins and update-ins together, where common sub-paths of the paths could be traversed once reducing the garbage created via multiple edits.


That way I could write "normal" clojure code, but still get the better performace/reduced garbage.

👍 2
fellshard 2017-11-03T22:03:23.000004Z

I get Specter, but it feels very visual, and could really use some visual aids similar to those used in understanding Rx abstractions.

fellshard 2017-11-03T22:04:03.000269Z

Highlight or 'glow' each selected element, and show transitions between each sequential navigation

borkdude 2017-11-03T22:06:39.000208Z

Oh cool, I just looked at the comment

borkdude 2017-11-03T22:07:55.000082Z

I’ve got mixed feelings about this. Takes me quite a while to learn the DSL and to finally come up with what I would write in vanilla Clojure in a couple of minutes. Seems harder to maintain than vanilla Clojure.

borkdude 2017-11-03T22:26:20.000123Z


😧 1
fellshard 2017-11-03T23:42:10.000030Z

Things that make me grieve for the 'industry standards' ™️