
here be heresies and things we have to use for work
Denis G 2018-12-01T22:15:22.000700Z

Guys what do you say about generics/templates vs interfaces

seancorfield 2018-12-01T22:18:12.001Z

Other than "they're orthogonal"?

seancorfield 2018-12-01T22:19:29.001400Z

@denisgrebennicov Can you refine your question by providing some context?

Denis G 2018-12-01T23:10:05.002400Z

@seancorfield the question is more directed to which of one should be preferred to be used. When should one use templates/generics and when interfaces

lilactown 2018-12-01T23:16:48.003300Z

templates & generics solve copy + paste problems. Interfaces solve “everyone must implement the same API” problems

lilactown 2018-12-01T23:20:09.003800Z

for anyone interested, I’m going to be trying to do Advent of Code in both CLJ and Rust: https://github.com/Lokeh/advent-2018/tree/master/day1

gklijs 2018-12-02T12:19:18.011900Z

I now also set the JavaRx up to properly test with jmh, warming up the JVM and such.

gklijs 2018-12-01T23:32:59.003900Z

Nice, I try rust and RxJava, you might want to give https://github.com/gobanos/cargo-aoc a try for rust, makes it really easy to focus on the solution. Didn't found the cycle input, gonna check if it will perform better.

lilactown 2018-12-01T23:48:22.005500Z

Very cool. I think I'll stick with just using plain cargo for now; I'm using this to learn how to use and setup cargo as much as for learning the language

lilactown 2018-12-01T23:49:23.007Z

I'm sure at some point between now and the 25th I'll get sick of it and use the fancy plugin:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: