
here be heresies and things we have to use for work
jaihindhreddy 2019-11-04T13:39:58.001400Z

I've been desperately trying to understand the rationale behind Django and Django REST Framework.

jaihindhreddy 2019-11-04T13:40:21.002Z

I'd love some pointers to help me see the big picture.

jaihindhreddy 2019-11-04T13:41:03.002900Z

I've read enough of the docs to be able to work with it somewhat. But every once in a while, I come across some problem.

jaihindhreddy 2019-11-04T13:42:46.004900Z

And the only way I get out of that problem is by googling it, and finding something like this on Stack Overflow (or equiv.): "If you're facing <blah>, and you're doing <blah>, you have to create a class inheriting from GenericListAPIViewSet (or some other <blah>) and override method <blah> to do <blah>"

jaihindhreddy 2019-11-04T13:43:12.005600Z

And these recipes work, but I never understand why I needed to do that.

jaihindhreddy 2019-11-04T13:44:11.006800Z

I used yada to build a webapp and never faced any such problems. There were points where I didn't know/understand some stuff, but all I needed to do was read some docs and I was done.

jaihindhreddy 2019-11-04T13:45:55.008600Z

Building with Django always feels like I'm weaving some monster using already complected concretions instead of composing impls of some well-reasoned abstractions.

jaihindhreddy 2019-11-04T13:46:05.008900Z

Sorry for bloat.