
sander 2015-06-02T07:39:00.000018Z

what do i need to :require or :use to use env-gen in a namespace, without connecting to a sc server yet?

sander 2015-06-02T07:39:52.000019Z

i'm probably asking the wrong question

sander 2015-06-02T07:43:03.000020Z

i'm using overtone in a non-repl app, and in my my-ns.lib i want to define instruments and cgens. i'm calling (connect-external-server) from (-main). now my-ns.lib complains: "Server needs to be connected before you can perform this action." is there a common way to work with this?

sander 2015-06-02T08:36:41.000021Z

solved it with in-function (require) and resolve-ns

sander 2015-06-02T09:14:39.000022Z

my uberjar gives an "Unable to load native libs c and scsynth" error on (require 'overtone.core). i'm using (connect-external-server) so i don't need the native libs or scsynth. is there a way to prevent overtone from trying to load them?