
roberto 2015-11-06T19:20:42.000003Z

The overtone cheat sheet says there is an overtone.inst.bass but I can’t find it in the repo

sveri 2015-11-06T21:00:25.000006Z

Hi, is there a way to require all vars in a namespace, so I can make use of code completion and stuff?


(:use) does that i believe? depending on yr text editor

sveri 2015-11-06T21:07:45.000008Z

hm, does not work for cursive


hrm, emacs-live is basically set up to do overtone FWIW, but the emacs learning curve is a bit harsh


though this sounds like a “clojure reqs in general” issue and not an overtone-specific one

sveri 2015-11-06T21:11:36.000011Z

Totally agreed, I tried it three times but my brain just does not want to memorize all the key strokes


lol, i’ve found ther are about a dozen or so commands I use and the rest I look up as needed. but i had the luxury of letting my work pay me to spend time learning emacs 😎

sveri 2015-11-06T21:12:13.000013Z

Thats true too, it's just that the example shows a single use statement and then can use all the auto imported vars

sveri 2015-11-06T21:12:43.000014Z

Well, I could start ranting about emacs for maybe an hour, but, nope, not again 😄


yeah, i’d try the question in another channel, it sounds like its some sort of cursive bug or dependency issue or smth.

sveri 2015-11-06T21:14:16.000016Z

coledubs: kk, thank you very much


Is there a resource to pipe overtone to MIDI out?


Essentially, instead of calling (piano note) I'd like to send that note to a midi device


The product of an afternoon of hacking - https://github.com/Spantree/arpejiator


Plays arpeggios, nothing fancy


@surreal.analysis: NICE i have struggled to get overtone to send proper midi messages :< that arpeggiator looks like exactly what I needed to build for my “band” 😹


well, sending midi notes out is easy, sending control messages seems impossible :< either that or my sampler has a broken midi implementation (which is actually quite likely)