
meow 2016-01-12T03:53:55.000037Z

wouldn't it be cool if you could combine live music coding with real-time chat in the new app

meow 2016-01-12T03:53:57.000038Z


thomas 2016-01-12T13:00:07.000039Z

yes, that would be very cool!!!

meow 2016-01-12T13:30:16.000040Z


meow 2016-01-12T13:30:31.000041Z

got any thoughts about how to make it happen

thomas 2016-01-12T13:52:46.000042Z

not really.. I guess the problem is that Overtone is Clojure and depends on Supercollider and the braid client is cljs. so not straight forward to combine I think.

meow 2016-01-12T14:04:14.000043Z

there will be a server - think outside the box

meow 2016-01-12T14:04:23.000044Z

isn't shadertone a cljs thingie