Anyone have any ideas about this?
sigh I want to test this and otherwise engage with this channel but I'm suffering from computer issues. Not getting a connection from overtone to my external SuperCollider server on this $#%#%$ Windows computer. Making bleeps and bloops in the regular sclang IDE is not problem. Hopefully the sounds of New Year celebrations will mask my loud cursing.
I do hear the click. Also heard it using a different freesound sample. hmmmm...
Thanks for checking... let's see what turns up on the issue.
I believe the player IS inside as the synth mono-partial-player
I pulled that synthdef out and messed with it a bit and for the life of me can't see what parameter for "loop?" would make it not loop. Ultimately I decided to make my own simple way of using freesound.
(def moobuff (load-sample (freesound-path 58277)))
(definst mooer [] (play-buf 1 moobuff))
(def stickbuff (load-sample (freesound-path 82280)))
(definst stick3 [] (play-buf stickbuff))
I'll check that out....
As I was digging down into the freesound library, I really felt that in the spirit of Clojure, there is a simple way to do it, without all the layers of builtin bells and whistles.