
urbank 2017-07-06T07:01:42.229518Z

Is parinfer formating my code like this?

urbank 2017-07-06T07:02:12.237200Z

the body of render insists on being aligned with the arguments

urbank 2017-07-06T07:02:23.240017Z

whereas this isn't the case with defn

urbank 2017-07-06T07:11:26.378704Z

Sorry, wrong culprit! It's the clojure mode not parinfer

rgdelato 2017-07-06T21:26:12.080858Z

Quick sanity check just to help me wrap my head around things: In Lisp languages, is it normal for people to format code in this style?

(foo m {:a 1
        :b 2} bar)
I haven't been writing Clojure for too too long, but I'm more accustomed to seeing something like this:
(foo m {:a 1
        :b 2}
...or this...
(foo m {:a 1
        :b 2}

mattly 2017-07-06T21:30:36.193481Z

I'd expect bar to be aligned with m