the engelbergs reported some problems with the demo editor, so I’m starting over on the CodeMirror+Parinfer integration, to free it from all the hacks I put in when I was rushing the website
not done yet, but the demo editor will use it as soon as I finish it:
@shaunlebron Do you think their problems were a result of the integration rather than the basic algorithm?
Actually, NM, just saw your tweet - looks like yes, which is good!
I have to work on my next release, but I’ll be back on this soon. I’m keen to test this out when it makes it into Atom, too.
I made some progress on the atom plugin last night.
is it a expected behavior?
are you expecting prod
to be moved into the map with :keys
the gif represents my expected behavior
will it re-indent when the file open?
I don't think prod should move into map.
paren mode will not fix indentation of prod
should it?
sorry, I missed there's a (+ a b) follow the map
this is the correct behavior, absolutely:+1:
I like this parinfer v3
np, you can tell more easily next time by seeing that }
was not dimmed, thus will not move around
not sure if that helps in that case actually
what's the editor used for demonstration parinfer? code-mirror?
yeah, codemirror
trying to fix some of the weirdness, and add tabStop support to it