@wilkerlucio for tab key?
any extraKey at all
I'm trying to combine parinfer and auto-complete things, I tried with Tab and with Ctrl+Space
they work fine, but when I add parinfer they all stop responding
yeah, i’m doing it wrong then
yeah, maybe it's overriding
I think you should use this one: http://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#addKeyMap
do you have time to write a PR for it?
thanks for pointing the place, I'll try it out here, if works I send a PR to you 😉
thank you very much 👍
@shaunlebron https://github.com/shaunlebron/parinfer-codemirror/pull/9
maybe it's worth nothing to users that parinfer will override the Tab
Hi! does anyone know if there is a “form yank” ability in parinfer or maybe another common clojure editor plugin?
Eg. say curser is the *
and i want to yank/copy that inner vector.
[*[1 2 3 4]]
This seems like a really common thing so i assume there is an obvious way todo this im missing. Im using spacemacs, with cider. This might not even be a parinfer question.@drewverlee That’s not something that parinfer handles, you’ll need to figure out how your editor does it.
@drewverlee ya[
, or if you want it to work on any form https://github.com/luxbock/evil-cleverparens/blob/master/README.md yf
I switched back to vim though, as I was disappointed with the lack of text objects in the emacs ecosystem.