
tianshu 2018-02-02T00:59:06.000109Z

if edit the file like project.clj, will it process the whole buffer?

cfleming 2018-02-02T01:42:53.000261Z

Yes, it will process the whole buffer, but it will only make the minimal set of diffs to the buffer required.

cfleming 2018-02-02T01:43:31.000036Z

I’ve been thinking about a change to only process individual top-level forms, but I haven’t done that yet.

dominicm 2018-02-02T08:22:35.000235Z

I did this, it wasn't a meaningful improvement. It might be easier for you though.

cfleming 2018-02-02T01:44:32.000226Z

There’s also the potential to only process as far as required to ensure that all changes have been taken into account, now that we know where the changes happen, but I haven’t looked into that either.