

i’m embarrassed to ask, whats the best way to use parinfer with spacemacs/emacs at the moment? I feel like there is a spacemacs layer, but its in dev. Which i’m not sure how easy it is to switch to…

tianshu 2018-02-22T10:29:51.000336Z

@drewverlee emacs or spacemacs? there's a parinfer-mode you can use in emacs.

tianshu 2018-02-22T10:30:56.000161Z

currently I'm still working om the smart mode of parinfer.


Spacemacs, I assumed the solution would be the same

justinbarclay 2018-02-22T14:28:41.000259Z

I don’t use Spacemacs, but I do know that it’s opinionated in how it loads its config. But by looking at the clojure ‘layer’ It looks like you can just use the use-package function provided on the github page.

justinbarclay 2018-02-22T14:32:06.000388Z

Looking at the Spacemacs Clojure file, you might want to turn off Smartparens as well when you turn on Parinfer.