
tianshu 2018-02-24T06:08:46.000040Z

Once parinfer-smart is stable, I'll update the parinfer-layer in spacemacs.

🤘 1

That would be awesome!

tianshu 2018-02-24T06:09:24.000018Z

@shaunlebron what's the progress with allowing leading close paren after an indented comment line?

shaunlebron 2018-02-24T23:33:04.000028Z

@doglooksgood thanks for asking

shaunlebron 2018-02-24T23:33:21.000037Z

i have not made progress on it since august

shaunlebron 2018-02-24T23:33:50.000093Z

i will have to revisit to remember how far along I was

shaunlebron 2018-02-24T23:34:53.000061Z

i’ll have to do a major version increment for that, so it’ll be v4