Ah, I've been putting a nil
at the end, to keep that closing paren in its place. Comma makes more sense.
Interestingly perhaps, @mauricio.szabo’s parinfer-plus
for Atom, which I believe is based on a Rust implementation of parinfer, is not so aggressive about reformatting and leaves the trailing )
where you put it, so I haven't needed a "door stop" since I switched to that.
@seancorfield thanks for those tips.
the comma has turned out to be more useful than i thought:
* visually "pairing" things in map-like situations
* corfield comma
* cond
form tweaking
* parinfer work-around
perhaps there are other places where it can be applied usefully too.
ah, i have used it to "nudge" indentation for something like this: https://gist.github.com/sogaiu/2c0cdfc2193474679651f6fc8a3a49c0#file-terminals-cljc-L18-L23
I've also seen people use the ignore marker to keep that last paren in place.
@sogaiu I use #_+)
i.e., <https://git.sr.ht/~dharrigan/startrek/tree/master/src/startrek/main.clj#L40>
to line 58
@dharrigan thanks!
the ignore / discard marker is a bit of an unfortunate choice for: https://github.com/sogaiu/alc.x-as-tests so i was looking for alternatives. the comma seems to be working out well so far.
@pez thanks for mentioning that. i guess i should consider whether i can make some adjustment in the code...
Zig fmt uses a comma in a similar way actually. Interesting.
I may switch to using a comma too
there's no attachment to using #_+
nice -- thanks for the feedback. (on a side note, i'm very much missing a comma-like construct (as well as discard) in the janet programming language -- though there are "long-strings" (somewhat like heredocs) and a splicing operator.)