
mauricio.szabo 2020-09-21T14:59:22.005400Z

@henrik well, to be honest, parinfer-plus does have a specific setting for pasting, so that's probably why you're seeing fewer surprises.

mauricio.szabo 2020-09-21T15:02:06.007Z

But also, I'm finding strange behavior that I need to check if it's on my side or on parinfer's one. Like:

With cursor on |, sometimes backspace simply does not work at all 😞

justinbarclay 2020-09-21T15:41:06.007100Z

That is standard parinfer behavior for smart and paren mode, you can confirm here:

mauricio.szabo 2020-09-21T15:50:10.007300Z

So, it's not a bug, it's a feature 😄. Probably I found it strange because the old "smart" implementation on Atom was different...
