Is there a preferred way to handle authorization concerns with resolvers?
nope, its open for you to decide, a common pattern is provide some auth-token on the environment so the resolvers can use it
Alright, we have been using the environment to handle our concern, and had a false start by trying to incorporate some of the grant/role information as ::pc/input
And, thank you!
I was looking into a way to tag mutations/resolvers with auth needs, and came across the transform helper. I think something like this shape would get there
(defn simple-tform
[{::pc/keys [mutate resolve] :as env}]
(log/info "ENV is: ") (pprint env)
(if resolve
(assoc env ::pc/resolve
(fn [en params]
(log/info "IN simple tform resolve")
(resolve en params)))
(assoc env ::pc/mutate
(fn [en params]
(log/info "IN simple tform mutate")
(log/info "env is: ")
(pprint (keys en))
(mutate en params)))))
(pc/defresolver res1 [_ _]
{::pc/output [::test]
::pc/transform simple-tform
::my-ns/require-auth? true
::my-ns/auth-roles #{:admin}}
(log/info "Hello")
{::test "hello this is my name"})
I like the extension to defresolver to incorporate expected roles here
Thank you, will continue to learn about this