one of my resolvers always gets called twice with the same input, are there any common mistakes that can lead to this?
is there a way to not return keys instead of pathom-not-found? or at least nil so that booleans don't end up being truthy?
it's normal if you are doing a parallel parser and some fields are resolved in parallel withthe same input. For instance if you are resolving a list of comment and the user associated with each comment while the user commented more than once
@yenda there is a p/elide-special-outputs-plugin
plugin 😉
what does it do exactly?
Something like it
(letfn [(elide-special
(map? el) (into {}
(keep (fn [[k v]]
(when-not (contains? #{::p/not-found
[k (elide-special v)])))
(coll? el) (mapv elide-special el)
:else el))]
(let [result (<! (parser env tx))]
(elide-special result)))