
:pathom: & &
souenzzo 2020-09-04T02:10:07.013700Z

@psdp did you put the ::pc/key-process-timeout at (p/parallel-parser {::pc/key-process-timeout ...}) or at env (parser (assoc env ::pc/key-process-timeout ...) ....) ?

psdp 2020-09-04T02:46:44.014100Z

@souenzzo Thanks for the hint! Problem solved now I put it at env. And I set a wrong namespaced keyword, it should be ::pp instead of ::pc

👍 1
ballpark 2020-09-04T21:33:14.015500Z

I'm trying to do a next.jdbc.sql/insert! in a pathom-connect/defmutation. It appears that it's not running the insert, and I'm not seeing any exceptions. Does this have something to do with the fact that I'm using http-kit which is asynchronous, and next.jdbc is synchronous?

souenzzo 2020-09-04T23:16:08.017Z

@ballpark try to call the opertion on your REPL something like (parser env '[(app/insert-in-db {:a 42})])

👍 1