Having a weird issue:
(defattr id :network/id :int
{ao/identity? true
ao/pc-input #{:network/id}
ao/pc-output [:network/id :network/name :network/start :network/end :network/parent :network/site]
ao/pc-resolve (fn [_ {:keys [network/id] :as input}]
(transform-network-data (solid/network-id (str id)))))})
(defattr network-name :network/name :string
{fo/field-label "Network Name"
ao/required? true
ao/pc-input #{:network/name}
ao/pc-output [:network/id :network/name :network/start :network/end :network/parent :network/site]
ao/pc-resolve (fn [_ {:keys [network/name]}]
(transform-network-data (solid/network-name name))))})
(defattr all-networks :network/all-networks :ref
{ao/target :network/id
ao/pc-output [{:network/all-networks [:network/id]}]
ao/pc-resolve (fn [{:keys [query-params] :as env} _]
{:network/all-networks (mapv #(Integer/parseInt (:subnet_id %)) (solid/network-all))}))})
With this in fulcro, I can run the query [:network/all-networks]
and get back the full list of ids ok. I can run the query [{[:network/id 33] [:network/name]}]
with no issues. But if I try to run a query like this: [{:network/all-networks [:network/name]}]
I get an error about contains? not supported on type Integer:
com.wsscode.pathom.core/map-reader core.cljc: 629
clojure.core/contains? core.clj: 1492
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: contains? not supported on type: java.lang.Integer
What am I doing wrong?@michael819 the issue is in the value of :network/all-networks
, by looking at your code I guess its like this: {:netword/all-networks [1 2 3 4 ...]}
, but that's wrong, it needs to be {:netword/all-networks [{:network/id 1} {:network/id 2} {:network/id 3} ...]}
@wilkerlucio Perfect that fixed the issue.