we are getting some unexpected errors with the latest changes to error handling. ex:
[{[:edge.account/code "account-1"]
[:edge.contract/code :edge.money/currency]}]}]
{[:edge.account/code "account-1"]
:com.wsscode.pathom3.error/node-error-details {}}},
[{:edge.contract/code "contract-1",
#object[Object [TaggedValue: unknown, #currency "USD"]]}]}}
what am i missing? the attrs were found, so why the errors?Thanks a lot @wilkerlucio tried and working and expected. we don't use placeholders much yet but I'll check if we can run some tests.
this might be a bug, I can look into that in a few hours
can you open an issue on pathom 3 repo please?
sure, will do