
souenzzo 2020-01-14T17:07:08.018400Z

How do I get "raw bytes" from HTTP request?

orestis 2020-01-14T20:22:37.019300Z

The body should be an input stream by default - do you need lower level than the body? Headers etc?

souenzzo 2020-01-15T12:02:33.023200Z

Yeah. "full raw" request, with request line, headers...

orestis 2020-01-15T12:21:12.024500Z

Don’t know anything from the top of my head. Probably need to go to a lower level. Curious to hear the use case.

bartuka 2020-01-14T22:23:02.019900Z

hi ppl, is it possible to integrate pedestal with swagger?