

@jdkealy Pedestal wraps all exceptions thrown by interceptors in an ExceptionInfo. You can either get the cause off the thrown ExceptionInfo pull it out of the ex-data using the :exception key. The joining of interceptor name and original message is not configurable. For additional attrs in ex-data, see


Hey. I also have a question about exceptions. In a ‘normal’ synchronous interceptor I can just raise (or not catch) exceptions, and they’ll eventually end up in an :error interceptor. However, I can’t figure out what to do with exceptions occuring in asynchonous interceptors. The docs say they should return channels with context maps, and that exceptions are put in ::chain/error in the context map wrapped in an ExceptionInfo, but I am struggling to find out how to create such a wrapped exception to put in the context in my asynchronous interceptor.

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Hi @lennart.buit, assoc an ex-info wrapping your exception to the context using the :io.pedestal.interceptor.chain/error key. You can add the ex-data specified in if you are dispatching on that info in a generic error handler. Currently the code which converts an exception to a wrapped exception is private and not part of the public api. @lennart.buit


Not all the ex-data is required. It depends on what you are dispatching on. The ::chain/execution-id is on the context but the stage is not. You do, however, know the stage so can add that if necessary


Okay, I’ll do that then. Thank you for answering 🙂


Works like a charm :thumbsup: , can provide basically the same ex-data as pedestal would! Thanks again

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