
asilverman 2020-06-15T00:27:16.225Z

Any chance pedestal would consider exposing a prometheus JettyStatisticsCollector so that we can collect jetty metrics for pedestal applications ?


@ariel.silverman I’d like to avoid introducing additional dependencies to core Pedestal but consider it desirable that it play nice with other capabilities provided by service implementers. That being said, I’m not familiar with the details around JettyStatisticsCollector . If you feel this is important than feel free to create an issue for it so it can be vetted further!

lucian303 2020-06-15T17:12:13.225800Z

i have briefly. wasn't sure if it was still an active project. same thing with the rook project. i will take a closer look


@ariel.silverman I’d like to avoid introducing additional dependencies to core Pedestal but consider it desirable that it play nice with other capabilities provided by service implementers. That being said, I’m not familiar with the details around JettyStatisticsCollector . If you feel this is important than feel free to create an issue for it so it can be vetted further!