
aaroncoding 2021-02-07T17:27:21.012100Z

Hey all, I'm going through the guide here I actually just copied and pasted their entire code at the end, but I'm still having issues where it doesn't reload changes to the code. What I do:

user=> (require 'hello)
user=> (hello/start-dev)
... some server stuff...
New terminal
curl -i <http://localhost:8890/greet?name=>"Aaron"
; Hello, Aaron
back in hello.clj, change the response to (str "Your name is: " nm ...)
user=&gt; (hello/restart)
curl -i <http://localhost:8890/greet?name=>"Aaron"
; Hello, Aaron
At this point I was expecting it to start saying "Your name is: Aaron". And if I shut down the repl, then start up all over again, it does! But it should do that just from running the (restart) function, no?

vemv 2021-02-12T19:00:16.012900Z

I'd recommend to get started via the official pedestal-service template. Specifically, it uses this trick (`#'` syntax):