hello all. using the interceptor body-params, i'm able to accept a post verb with a json body as edn as documented. Im i wrong to expect an end assoc map structure, with the Content-Type header set, should also be handled in the response by the same inteceptor (:leave) ?
(def test
{:name :test
(fn [context]
(let [request (:request context)
{:keys [headers json-params]} request]
(assoc context :response
{:status 200
:body json-params
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"}})))})
(def common [(body-params)])
(def test-interceptor (conj common test))
(def routes
#{["/test" :post test-interceptor :route-name :test]})
The HTTP response in the client has the Content-Type set to "application/json", but the body of the response is still edn: {:key "value"}
My assumption is that body-params on :leave will stringify-keys or such