I've actually been playing with perun lately, it's nice
@juhoteperi: what did you mean with "I find it strange that collection task adds files to metadata"
are you referring to keys in metadata or actual files?
@martinklepsch: Well I'm running several collection tasks so the subsequent tasks see the files creates by previous collection tasks
and I need extra filter to remove those
Or that's what I think is happening, I didn't check very thoroughly
ah I see
I use the filterer
option to make sure only posts get in
Yeah I guess I should use that too
Currently I have additional filter inside render functions
yeah I have those too
Ah interesting.
What renders your pages?
Or do you single page?
how do you mean single page?
or the question in general I guess
Hmm, so I see you have pages and posts. But collection tasks only render posts.
And there is only single render task which is interested in pages.
ah yeah. pages are just rendered like hello.md
-> hello.html
Yeah but what is doing that?
the naming?
I think the permalink fn
(defn permalink-fn [{:keys [slug path filename] :as post-data}]
(if (.startsWith path "posts")
(str "posts/" slug ".html")
(str (string/replace filename #"(?i).[a-z]+$" ".html"))))
What do you think about releasing 0.3.0 now? Even with all the possible bugs etc. The current commit is working well enough for me and I would like to have proper release now that I'm using Perun to build our company site,.
can we get my PR in? 😛
lets merge the pr and release
I can do PR with changelog, some readme changes and contributing.md if that's okay
that sounds great:)
I'm in the process of writing a guide as a follow up project for an upcoming clojurebridge workshop
It's an interesting experience, noticing a few warts so likely will also come up with more suggestions in near future :simple_smile:
In what timezone should the release date be in changelog 😄
can do UTC?
@podviaznikov: conflicts fixed
np, trying again
https://github.com/hashobject/perun/pull/82 (I broke the commit message rules immediately, but I think they are still good)
If/when we improve the documentation, I think Github wiki is good place for it.
I’m up for GitHub wiki
when I push release to Clojars I need to sign it, right?
It is not necessary, but preferably yes.
ok, let me try to experiment with other library first. Last time I did that was over the year ago
ok, I didn’t know clojars has group. Added you and @martinklepsch https://clojars.org/groups/perun
ok, created my key and tried with lein on another project. Will setup boot to use key now
Just to clarify steps for publishing. tag repo. push repo to git. and then do build-jar and push-release
. Does this sound correct?
@juhoteperi: @martinklepsch : thinking of adding https://www.contentful.com/ support to perun — replicate what https://github.com/carrot/roots-contentful does. Thoughts?
With contentful webhook + github webhook - one could regenerate site if either github source code changed - or if someone changed raw content on contentful. A good fit.
Interesting. It could probably be provided as task which replaces markdown task.