
Discuss perun static site generator
daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:22:02.000009Z

Working through perun's Getting Started, I'm getting an "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No such task (markdown)" at the boot markdown step. It appears true: boot is installed, but does not seem to have a markdown task. I'm investigating whether this is due to a boot version mismatch (2.5.2 from brew versus 2.5.5 in the properties file) but just FYI.

martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:22:37.000010Z

@daveliepmann: hey there :simple_smile: what does your build.boot look/cli invocation look like?

martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:23:35.000011Z

@daveliepmann: just out of curiousity, what's the expectation about what you'll walk away with after finishing the getting started?

daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:23:50.000012Z

build.boot is straight out of the box: `(set-env! :source-paths #{"src" "content"} :dependencies '[ [perun "0.3.0" :scope "test"] ]) (require '[io.perun :refer :all]) `

daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:24:52.000013Z

@martinklepsch: expectations? I suppose a bare-bones static site running on localhost

daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:24:59.000014Z

from markdown to html

martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:25:55.000015Z


martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:26:31.000016Z

if you run boot -V it should show BOOT_VERSION being 2.5.5 no matter if you isntalled 2.5.2 from homebrew. the thing you get from homebrew is only a minimal shim

daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:27:31.000017Z

roger—`boot -V` returns 2.5.5

daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:28:33.000018Z

thanks for jumping in, you're everywhere :simple_smile:

martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:29:01.000019Z

only other explanation I have for what you describe above is that you're not in the directory where that build boot is haha

martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:29:30.000020Z

you might want to try boot -s src -s content -d perun markdown which is essentially the same as that build.boot

martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:30:08.000021Z

@daveliepmann: I'm happy to. I think perun is pretty cool but still quite unfriendly towards beginners so I'm trying to make up for that :simple_smile:

martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:30:37.000022Z

beginners as in both, programming and/or perun beginners

daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:32:52.000023Z

@martinklepsch: yeah, you got it—in the midst of switching from eshell to terminal I found myself in the root directory instead of in the project. Thanks!

daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:33:43.000024Z

but then, was I using 2.5.2 in the root?

martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:37:57.000025Z

@daveliepmann: not sure I understand that Q, if you didn't run boot in the directory that hat the file you might get another version of boot

daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:41:09.000026Z

I'm saying that since I ran boot -V (and got 2.5.5) from the same directory (without that I tried to run boot markdown in, I see two possibilities: either the boot version isn't the problem or it's reporting the wrong version of boot while I'm in that (wrong) directory

martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:43:15.000027Z

> either the boot version isn't the problem the problem causing what other problem? I'm confused 😅

daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:44:17.000028Z

sorry, I know I'm off script :simple_smile:

daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:45:08.000029Z

It's a bit academic and I'm not familiar with boot internals so this may not be a productive line of questioning

daveliepmann 2016-05-03T15:48:52.000030Z

@martinklepsch: anyway thanks for helping me back on track. Cheers!

martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:50:38.000031Z

@daveliepmann: sure, let me know if you have any more questions or suggestions.

martinklepsch 2016-05-03T15:50:55.000032Z

Also if you see anything that could be improved, it's a wiki :simple_smile:

👍 2