
Discuss perun static site generator
sooheon 2017-02-10T14:17:11.000311Z

Hey guys is there a good alternative to Disqus on perun sites? The look of the Disqus widget is just intolerable.

podviaznikov 2017-02-10T16:00:13.000312Z

Hey, Perun can help you render comments. But you need to store them somewhere. That is independent from Perun. I’m pretty sure some solutions are possible but depend on your requirements. We can brainstorm some ideas here. Another problem is if you need real time update of the comments. Do you want to display comment immediately after user submitted it or some delay is acceptable?

sooheon 2017-02-10T16:32:54.000313Z

I’m fine accepting a delay (say until next refresh) if it means I can get a more lightweight interface than Disqus. I’ve found, but it looks like I’ll have to host the comments server myself.


I can’t remember whether I posted here or someplace else about Perun and Netlify and boot availability on Netlify - I asked and this is the version info for Boot from their docker image, for anyone interested: RUN mkdir /opt/boot-clj && cd /opt/boot-clj && \ curl -sL > boot && \ chmod +x boot && \ ln -s /opt/boot-clj/boot /usr/local/bin/boot USER buildbot

podviaznikov 2017-02-10T21:00:50.000316Z

@sooheon who is your target audience? If developers, then having comments stored as GitHub issue can be good solution. Requires some plumbing, but maybe there are some backed solutions, libraries

podviaznikov 2017-02-10T21:01:04.000317Z

also after quick search I see

podviaznikov 2017-02-10T21:01:30.000319Z

I can research more for good comments solution for static sites

podviaznikov 2017-02-10T21:02:14.000320Z

@tbrooke thank you. If you have tutorial how to setup boot/perun on Netlify we can put it into Perun docs