
Discuss perun static site generator
martinklepsch 2017-04-24T03:23:03.395987Z

@bhagany I usually just set :out-dir to "." but that doesn’t help with 0.4.2-SNAPSHOT because there’s also the global :doc-root metadata and I don’t quite understand how these two interact…

bhagany 2017-04-24T03:26:58.414805Z

@martinklepsch okay, I see. I think I can explain

bhagany 2017-04-24T03:28:57.424841Z

the way I think of it is, :out-dir is the path relative to root where a file is written, and :doc-root is the part of the path relative to the root that files are intended to be served from

bhagany 2017-04-24T03:29:53.429238Z

so, for instance, when we default both :out-dir and :doc-root to public, we're saying, "output files to public, and then we're also going to serve them from public"

bhagany 2017-04-24T03:30:34.432785Z

The interaction between them is used for things like calculating permalinks and canonical urls

bhagany 2017-04-24T03:31:04.435310Z

Specifically, :doc-root is the part of the file's path that is not present in links

bhagany 2017-04-24T03:32:52.443666Z

In your case, I think :doc-root can be ""

martinklepsch 2017-04-24T04:46:34.798125Z

I thought I tried setting doc root to ""...

martinklepsch 2017-04-24T04:47:10.801085Z

I use "." For out-dir most of the time I think that might be breaking some of the regex handling there

bhagany 2017-04-24T12:25:58.430670Z

that could be... does :out-dir "" not do what you expect?