
Discuss perun static site generator

hello, anybody else failing at "getting started" on first cmd (boot markdown) with: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trace already refers to: #'boot.util/trace in namespace: boot.user

martinklepsch 2018-01-13T16:02:41.000094Z

@mathieu977 which version of Boot are you using boot -V


@martinklepsch $ boot -V # #Sat Jan 13 11:40:52 EST 2018 BOOT_CLOJURE_NAME=org.clojure/clojure BOOT_CLOJURE_VERSION=1.8.0 BOOT_VERSION=2.7.2

martinklepsch 2018-01-13T16:44:58.000138Z

can you paste your build.boot as well? @mathieu977

martinklepsch 2018-01-13T16:56:17.000021Z

 :source-paths #{"content"}
  :dependencies '[[perun "0.4.2-SNAPSHOT" :scope "test"]])

(require '[io.perun :as p])
@mathieu977 can you try this and then boot p/markdown ?

martinklepsch 2018-01-13T16:56:38.000094Z

IIRC perun provides a trace task that apparently collides with a built in function of Boot


@martinklepsch it works indeed, thanks for the help. i will be able to continue the getting started guide

martinklepsch 2018-01-13T17:07:47.000029Z

Great, sorry for that issue, I guess that should be documented somehow @bhagany

bhagany 2018-01-13T17:09:29.000011Z

Yes, the getting started guide needs a revamp - iirc this could be avoided by not doing :refer :all