
Planck ClojureScript REPL
fasiha 2016-04-29T15:41:04.000017Z

@mfikes thanks for pointing out issue #119, it's not quite that. This isn't a pressing issue at all, but here's the details. I just updated iTerm2 nightly & brewed 1.11, and still, in Planck, if I type a couple of words, and type ⌃← or ⌃→, I get 5D or 5C respective. Or if I do ⌥← or ⌥→, I get b and f. I have in my iterm2 profile (Preferences -> Profiles -> Keys) set to emit ^[ [1;5D on ⌃← and ^[ b on ⌥← so Planck's behavior makes some kind of sense. Those control/alt+arrow combos work as expected (i.e., jump to previous/next word) in Bash, rlwrap lein repl, and in rlwrap planck -d, just not in Planck. Again, not a pressing issue and I realize it's probably something with my config, but thought to write these details.

mfikes 2016-04-29T15:44:29.000019Z

@fasiha: Ahh. Interesting. Perhaps it is related to Planck using Linenoise which, IIRC puts the line in “cooked mode”. If you try planck -d it turns that off, and you can see if your control keys behave differently. Perhaps there is a bug in Planck or in iTerm2 nightly.

fasiha 2016-04-29T16:06:11.000021Z

@mfikes: interestingly, with planck -d I just see those control characters entered on the screen. Apparently I need rlwrap planck -d for the control/alt arrows to work—rlwrap must do some extra parsing of those escape codes.

mfikes 2016-04-29T16:13:40.000022Z

@fasiha: Yeah, I think rlwrap may also be putting the terminal in an interesting mode. If you are curious, feel free to check out Planck and take a look at the linenoise.c file and how it all works.