
Planck ClojureScript REPL
gamecubate 2016-05-04T14:34:30.000026Z

What's the simplest, shell based way, to update planck on OSX?

mfikes 2016-05-04T14:34:52.000027Z

Are you using brew?

gamecubate 2016-05-04T14:34:57.000028Z

I did to install it yes

gamecubate 2016-05-04T14:35:03.000029Z

brew update planck?

gamecubate 2016-05-04T14:35:37.000030Z

brew upgrade planck I guess

mfikes 2016-05-04T14:35:39.000031Z

See the “Update” section here:

gamecubate 2016-05-04T14:35:46.000032Z

Just got reprimanded by brew for calling update planck

gamecubate 2016-05-04T14:36:00.000033Z

Man I had missed that.

gamecubate 2016-05-04T14:36:02.000034Z


mfikes 2016-05-04T14:36:04.000035Z


gamecubate 2016-05-04T14:36:37.000036Z

I was on the git page and didn't see that in the README. All good now thanks.

mfikes 2016-05-04T14:37:14.000037Z


gamecubate 2016-05-04T14:40:47.000038Z

Slack making me a bit lazy I think, :simple_smile:

mfikes 2016-05-04T14:41:28.000039Z

No problem. I’ve updated the README. No need to make people dig for things.

gamecubate 2016-05-04T15:15:33.000042Z

Wow. Excellent.

gamecubate 2016-05-04T15:18:59.000045Z

Problems with the above. Shell command

planck count.cljs 1 2 3 args
reports "'undefined' is not a function (evaluating '')"

mfikes 2016-05-04T15:20:00.000046Z

@gamecubate: Does your count.cljs file refer to *command-line-args*?


It’s because you wrapped *command-line-args* in parens

gamecubate 2016-05-04T15:20:23.000048Z

Yes. The snippet above are its contents.

gamecubate 2016-05-04T15:20:28.000049Z

Oh I see it's a vector not a function.

gamecubate 2016-05-04T15:20:34.000050Z

Will try again and...

mfikes 2016-05-04T15:20:40.000051Z

Ahh.. missed the above. What @manutter51 said :simple_smile:

gamecubate 2016-05-04T15:21:08.000052Z

bingo. Works. My mistake. Thanks.

gamecubate 2016-05-04T15:21:50.000053Z

As a matter of fact, your docs are clear. The example invokes (first command-line-args) so truly I went too fast.

gamecubate 2016-05-04T15:22:12.000054Z

Plus I should have picked on the earmuffs () right away.

gamecubate 2016-05-04T15:22:46.000055Z

picked up on...