
Planck ClojureScript REPL
pat 2016-05-26T21:12:21.000100Z

how are you consuming andare macro files from planck?

mfikes 2016-05-26T21:13:57.000101Z

@pat This gist shows how

pat 2016-05-26T21:14:29.000102Z

are you inspecting the jars via CP?

pat 2016-05-26T21:14:58.000103Z

I could be totally lost here idk, first time bootstrapping

mfikes 2016-05-26T21:16:09.000104Z

Planck supports loading code in JARs on its classpath. See

pat 2016-05-26T21:17:17.000105Z

ok. thankyou for documenting everything, your gists are helpful

mfikes 2016-05-26T21:18:15.000106Z

Thanks :)