
Planck ClojureScript REPL
anmonteiro 2016-08-23T20:44:37.000414Z

@mfikes something’s wrong with

anmonteiro 2016-08-23T20:44:48.000415Z

are you aware of that?

mfikes 2016-08-23T20:54:18.000416Z

@anmonteiro I never bothered to set up the www. part

anmonteiro 2016-08-23T20:54:35.000417Z

@mfikes I just used www here for Slack to auto-link

anmonteiro 2016-08-23T20:54:43.000418Z

the site seems down, and so seems

anmonteiro 2016-08-23T20:54:55.000419Z

(and it autolinks even without the www, nice)

chris 2016-08-23T20:55:33.000420Z also claims it’s down

mfikes 2016-08-23T20:55:45.000421Z

Thanks. Willl check

anmonteiro 2016-08-23T20:55:49.000422Z


mfikes 2016-08-23T20:59:32.000423Z

Looks like Linode is having a DNS outage

mfikes 2016-08-23T21:30:20.000425Z

Looks like Linode fixed things, so the Planck REPL site is now up again. And it looks like I actually have the www. working.

anmonteiro 2016-08-23T21:32:26.000426Z
