@stbgz This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for!
But if I were to wish for one thing, it would be a library that given a project.clj (or some other description of dependencies), gives a graph of dependencies.
Now, I see that you would need to download stuff to be able to make the whole dependency graph, so maybe the fn that figures out the deps-graph could take another function which given a url, produced the artifact. I guess that’s what you’re doing with the os
namespace in huckleberry
The reason I’m going on about this is that planck has it’s own http-implementation, so it’d be neat if we with planck could do something like (huck/resolve deps planck.http/get)
I think we'll ultimately have something like Boot/Lein for self-hosted ClojureScript
Huckleberry seems to be a step in that direction
@anmonteiro I guess calvin
is the boot/lein thing here
right but it doesn't currently have tasks to show the dep graph as you say
and it won't work with Planck if it uses Lumo namespaces
@anmonteiro but I guess my point is that since a lot of io is undefined for cljs as a platform, io needs to be pluggable
yeah, which is why I'm still uncertain how to proceed
I've spoken briefly with Mike to unify IO into something based on protocols that both Planck/Lumo can implement downstream
So have I, but that was before Lumo
But I guess then you’ll end up in trying to define an IO subsystem/protocol for cljs’s to adhere to.
But with Lumo this is becoming interesting again.
But, it would be cool if I could basically do whatevercljsrepl -e '(http/get “<http://www.clojure.org|www.clojure.org>”)’
or even whatevercljsrepl -e '(slurp “<http://www.foo.com>”)’
Yeah we need to figure out io for the repls so we are not tied to a single platform
That being said Calvin just learned to start Planck repls